Organic products
Organic farming or, to use more appropriate synthetic terms, organic farming or ecological farming is a production method defined from the legislative point of view at Community level with a first regulation, the EEC Regulation 2092/91, subsequently replaced by the EC Reg. 834/07 and 889/08 and at a national level with the Ministerial Decree 18354/09.

Atina Cabernet Doc
Cabernet di Atina is a niche doc wine. The D.O.C., denomination of controlled origin "Atina" is reserved only for wines that meet the conditions and requirements established by the production disciplinary of the D.D. 26 / April / 1999.

Pontecorvo pepper DOP
The "Peperone di Pontecorvo" dop is a fruit from the lands in the province of Frosinone.