With yesterday the curtain falls on the Tipicamente 2021 project which is composed of 11 exhibition and tasting workshops.

In collaboration with the Lazio Region we have proposed to the public some of the typical excellences of the province of Frosinone: Cannellino bean DOP, pepper of Pontecorvo DOP, buffalo mozzarella from Campania DOP and organic products.

Some wine experts were present at the event who complimented the initiative and praised the qualities of the Atina Cabernet DOC.

To cheer the evening the music of the band “a Core a Core” made up of nine artists who were able to involve the large audience present.

To sum up the Tipique 2021 project was the manager of the Tipika Cooperative who reported on the events and publicly thanked the institutional partners who contributed to making everything possible.

The events were a success as a large number of participants from all over the province of Frosinone and from the high Caserta area. There have been testimonies from Rome, Naples and even from L’Aquila. Everyone appreciated the typical products promoted on the occasion.